Shahab Mir

Shahab Mir is an IT professional with over a decade of experience in the field, known for his exceptional programming skills and self-motivated approach. However, these skills didn't come overnight. In this article, we will dive into his journey from a novice to a skilled Java developer and the steps he took to reach this level of expertise.

Starting with Core Java

Shahab Mir's journey began with Core Java, where he focused on understanding the fundamental concepts such as loops, arrays, operators, and more. He also learned about the widely used Java SE APIs such as java.lang,, and java.math. As Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts are well-known in Java, he didn't overlook them either.

Moving to Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)

After mastering Core Java, Shahab Mir set his sights on learning Java EE, also known as Advanced Java. With Java EE, he was able to work on web programming as the language provides him with the necessities for distributed computing and web services. This included technologies like Servlet, WebSocket, and Java Server Faces that helped him level up his coding skills.

Using Servlets and JSP to create projects

To hone his knowledge, Shahab Mir combined his learnings from Java EE with Front End technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. He created smaller projects on specific topics and worked on simple projects with Servlet and JSP. Mir believes that practice makes perfect and that one can never truly know how proficient they are with a programming language unless they work on projects themselves.

Learning Rest and Spring Frameworks

With Core Java and Java EE under his belt, Shahab Mir decided to tackle Java Frameworks such as Hibernate Framework and Spring Framework. These are the most widely used Java frameworks, with most Java development firms using Spring frameworks like Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Cloud to create web applications. The Hibernate framework, along with the Hibernate Query Language, is particularly popular for mapping an object-oriented model to a relational database. Shahab Mir learned these frameworks as they are essential for creating excellent projects and can increase one's chances of being hired as a Java Developer.

Shahab Mir's Advice

Shahab Mir believes that practice is the key to success. He made sure to practice writing the syntax repeatedly to avoid making even simple errors. He also understands that while it is easy to provide a solution to a problem in theory, the real challenge lies in implementing the solution. He is now an expert in language requirements and the best design practices. His advice to other novice coders is to keep coding and practicing Java as often as possible, and to try creating small projects on any topic they are learning.


Shahab Mir's journey from a novice to a skilled Java developer is an inspiration to all aspiring coders. With a focus on practice and a willingness to learn, he was able to master Core Java, Java EE, and Java Frameworks such as Hibernate Framework and Spring Framework. By following his advice and working hard, anyone can become a skilled Java developer like Shahab Mir.


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